Hundreds Of Thousands Of Craftsmen Are Missing For The Climate And Energy Transition
Jul 26,2022
For climate protection, more renovated buildings are needed to save energy. But the craftsmen for this are missing, warn industry associations. They are now demanding more support from politicians.
New heating systems and windows, insulation and solar roofs: for more climate protection, more houses in Germany would have to be renovated in terms of energy efficiency. But the trade lacks people who can do the work, as industry associations and the metal industry union announced on Wednesday. "The shortage of skilled workers and the workload in the trades threaten a successful climate and energy transition." 190,000 craftsmen are already missing.
"We need the targeted support of politicians to build up and secure the necessary human resources," said Michael Hilpert, President of the Central Association for Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning.
Vocational schools and educational institutions for crafts needed better equipment. Vocational training must be upgraded to higher education. State subsidies for energy-related refurbishment should only be given if the craftsmen are employed according to collective agreements.
Demands on the policy of various associations
This provides for a list of demands that was also formulated by the Central Association of German Electrical and Information Technology Trades, the Federal Association of Metal and the Federal Guild Association of Carpenters and Joiners Germany. According to their own statements, the industry companies employ a total of 1.6 million people.
The federal government must set concrete goals for building renovation in an emergency program and ensure reliable funding. For better cooperation, craftsmen, energy consultants, approval authorities and funding bodies would have to be digitally networked. An industry dialogue with politicians about securing skilled workers and climate goals is also necessary.